Why It Is Important To Live A Soul-Led Life

On today’s installment of Thursday Tips and Tools for Soul-Led Living, I am going to tackle the question WHY.

Why it is important to live life from the truth in your Soul.

For me there are three reasons. They operate at the levels of the personal, the interpersonal, and the global.

Each reason is itself enough motivation for me to commit to doing the work to hear my Soul’s truth, and live by it. Together, they are everything. When you fully understand what is at stake when you do not live in alignment with your Soul, and what is possible when you do, there is no reason you would not make the commitment to Soul-Led living.

The Culture of Busyness

We live in a culture that teaches us that we will not belong if we are not busy (and productive) in acceptable ways.

Busyness itself is not a harmful state. There is value in tapping into that driven place within us, and getting shit done.

Living in a near constant state of busyness comes with a high cost, however.

At the personal level we become out of balance, both energetically and in the use of our intelligence. We end up exhausted and depleted relying on external stimulation and coping mechanisms or addictions to get us by.

At the interpersonal level, we do not have time or energy to develop meaningful relationships. Our relationships become transactional, manipulative and high drama. We shut down direct connection, and instead pay for products and services in an attempt to meet our needs and desires.

At the global level, we are not interested in becoming aware of the impact of our actions on other species, or the Earth. Our relationship with the Earth becomes one sided. We take and expect her to continue to provide. We turn a blind eye.

Over time, we become hard and unfeeling. We feel entitled to immediate and unlimited satisfaction of our desires because we are sacrificing so much in our lifestyle of busyness.

The impact of our culture of busyness at the personal, interpersonal, and global levels has hit the crisis level. Mental and emotional health issues, interpersonal and international conflict, wholescale species extinction, extreme weather patterns and natural disasters have been on the rise for years. At some point, likely soon, we will no longer be able to hold up the facade of modern perfection (I’d say we’ve hit that point, despite that many world leaders are still willing to turn the blind eye).

The truth is, our band-aid fixes can only go so far.

In order to make a meaningful cultural transformation that would address these issues on a long-term scale and make possible a more beautiful life for ourselves, and a more beautiful world for our children and all life, we must be willing to fully feel the impact of the way we are living, and to find the courage to live another way.

Soul-Led Living

Soul-Led living transcends the prevailing culture of busyness, materialism and disconnection.

It is not a reaction to it (i.e. a push back or a protest), but rather a gathering up all that has come before us, a transmuting our pain into courage, and the taking of embodied steps forward into a new way of being towards, in the words of Charles Eisenstein, the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.


We live in a world that values you living your deepest truth – the story of your Soul – above all else. Not your productivity, not your income, not your possessions, not your status, not your materialistic contribution to an organization or cause, but you living the story your Soul came here to tell.

At the personal level, you would be living your deepest truth every day. You would be in integrity with your Soul and therefore you would be peaceful. There would be no need for coping mechanisms to numb out from the pain of pretending to be someone you are not. You would be fulfilled because you would be making the difference your Soul came here to make.

At the interpersonal level, you would be connecting deeply and authentically with others from your Soul’s truth within you. There would be no need for superficiality, manipulation or drama in relationship. Others around you would be nourished by your authentic presence, and you by theirs.

Finally, imagine the impact at the global level if billions of humans were contributing to life on Earth in Soulful ways – ways that are sustainable and in service of all Life. The Earth would be renewed and provide abundant nourishment and sustenance for all who live upon her.

It is time to create a new culture.

The possibility I have described above is no fantasy.

This is what could be if we are collectively willing to break out of the paradigms of busyness and disconnection that we live within, and begin to see and live life from the deeper thread of truth that flows through each of us: the truth of our Soul.

These are my WHYs for Soul-Led living. I will provide more depth and context in future blogs, and my upcoming book. Some of the above writings are excepts from my draft manuscript.

As always, I would love to hear from you. Please let me know if you have any thoughts, questions, or suggestions for upcoming blogs.



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