Win Back Your Body to Hear Your Soul

It's Thursday! 

Time for Tips and Tools for Soul-Led Living! 

Today I want to talk about why you must win back your body, to be able to hear the voice of your Soul, and how you can begin to go about doing that.

To keep this short and sweet, I am going to offer you 3 points to consider, a question, and a practice.

Point #1: Your Soul chose to inhabit your body for this lifetime. Your body is your Soul's first and only home. 

Point #2: Any time you have neglected your body's needs, you will not be able to hear your Soul. If your home was dirty, falling apart, filled with chemicals, and harbouring pests, you would not want to live there, and would eventually become unwell. The same goes for your Soul. If your body is unkempt, unhealthy, fed with artificial foods and chemicals, and filled with toxic thoughts and emotions, your Soul will not be happy to live there, and your relationship with your Soul will be unhealthy.

Point #3: You must inhabit your body in order to hear your Soul's truth. Even if you are in good health and have a positive relationship with your body, in order to hear your Soul's truth, you must be willing to visit your Soul in its home (your body) and listen.

Question for you: Are you currently neglecting any aspect of your physical, mental or emotional health? If so, what is one nourishing thing you could take on to tend to your body today? 

Practice for you: Take 3 minutes today to fully inhabit your body. You don't need any special tools, just 3 minutes of uninterrupted time in a space where you feel safe. Close your eyes, relax your shoulders and jaw, and take three deeps breaths to centre. For the next three breaths you are going to breathe in deeply and hold. The first breath, I want you to direct the air into your heart space; fill your chest cavity with air and pause for at least 5 seconds, letting yourself feel fully anything that comes up for you (feelings, physical sensations, etc.). Next, do the same thing but breathe into your stomach; fill your stomach with air and hold for 5 seconds, letting yourself fully feel what comes up. Finally, breathe one more time into your lower abdomen; fill your abdomen with air, hold for 5 seconds, and let yourself be present with what comes up for you. Pause, recentre, and repeat the breathing sequence 2 more times.

This is a simple way that you can practice inhabiting your body, and fostering a deeper a connection with your Soul.    

Let me know how your practice goes if you try it, and as always, if you have any questions send them my way and I will try to answer them in upcoming Thursday Tips and Tools for Soul-Led Living!



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