How to Win the Fight Against Fear

Today I am going to tackle a question that we would all love the answer to.

How do you win against fear?

How do you move forward when you know your own truth but are afraid to pursue it?

How do you open your heart after heartbreak?

How do you risk creating after failure?

How do you take the first step when all possible futures feel terrifyingly unknown and out of your control?

How do you win the battle against your fear?

I have an answer for you, but you might not like it. So I am going to keep it short and sweet and to the point.

Two simple words: You Don’t.

You cannot win against your fear. You will never eliminate it. You cannot extricate it from your being.

Fear is inevitable when you are following your deepest truth, because it will often ask you to change who you are being or what you believe, and the ego fears any change to your identity.

Fighting with your fear keeps you stopped, and that is exactly what your fear wants.

So long as you are fighting yourself, fear has won.

How do you move forward then, when fear has you in its grips?

First, stop fighting your fear. Stop making it wrong. Stop trying to push it away or pretend its not there. Full stop surrender. Put down your arms. Take off your armor. Call a truce.

Second, release the significance. Remember that your fear is simply your ego’s response to change. There is nothing wrong. You are a normal human with a normal ego, doing normal ego things.

Third, expand your awareness to hold your fear with love. Allow your fear to be a part of your experience, but remember it is not the whole of who you are. You are also a Soul in a human body. Allow yourself to be all of it.

Then, gently take the keys away from your ego, and give them back to your Soul. Ask your Soul what is the next step from here, and take it.

That’s it. Stop fighting with yourself. Have compassion. Find peace. Give the keys back to your Soul. Repeat.



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