The Thread of Truth

There is a thread of truth that flows within me. It flows through all of us. It flows through all Life.

I call this thread of truth my Soul. That is the truest word I have come across to describe it. It is my North Star. It guides my Life towards peace and fulfillment when I surrender enough to allow it.

My Soul wants nothing more than for me to be all of myself. To share all of myself. To experience Life in all its glory.

My Soul invites me to expand into my own wholeness and to create in service to Life. Listening to my Soul is how I make the contribution that I came here to make.

My thread of truth is mine, but it is also Divine. It is connected to all Souls in a giant unseen web. It is Life itself. Alive in me and in you.

My Soul knows how to guide me to live in a way that benefits the whole. If we each follow our deepest thread of truth, we will create a more beautiful world.

I write this poetically, yet I mean this literally, and I live this - my Soul’s truth - devotedly.

As a lawyer and a double air sign I love facts and rational explanations. I used to make decisions for my life based purely on cognitive reasoning. My life was not mine then. It belonged to the stories our culture teaches us about what it means to be successful, and the rats' nest of beliefs inside my head.

Facts and beliefs are stories we've given weight to because they meet certain measures we've decided indicate truth. They are useful, but they can never hold the whole Truth. And they alone can never be our personal Truth.

When looking for guidance on how to make decisions in my life I now look inward more than outward. Beliefs and understandings gleaned from the world outside of me are useful, and I consider them, but at the end of the day, if I want to know what's best for me, I ask my Soul.

Sometimes, the way forward my Soul invites is one that can be explained rationally based on culturally approved facts and stories, and my mind of course loves when that occurs.

Yet other times my Soul will point me in directions that defy reason. Those are the decisions I most resist. I fear that if I cannot understand it or explain it, I won't be accepted and I won't be safe. I have learned over time that those are usually the decisions that are most important for me to make in alignment with my own truth.

When my Soul leads me down a path that appears irrational - one where I know I will be called naive or stupid - that is when I double down on my faith, and I remember: my Soul's truth may not be convenient, but it will never lead me astray.

If I want peace and fulfillment for myself and others (I do) and if I want to be a part of creating a world that serves Life in all forms (I do), I must learn to listen to the deeper thread of truth with in me that knows the best way for me to serve.

We are all connected. Serving ourselves, serves others, serves the whole.

The way we care for each other and the Earth is by following the thread of truth that flows from deep within our Soul.

