How to Take Back Your Time

One of the main reasons people give for not pursuing their passions, and not taking care of their basic well-being is, “Well I would, but, I don’t have enough time.”

I have said this very thing many times in my own journey. What I have learned is, the only way to solve this lack of time problem, is to stop letting yourself get away with that excuse.

Yes, I said it. It is an excuse.

It may be sneaky one. A socially acceptable one. A culturally endorsed and encouraged one. But it is still just that: an excuse.

If you repeatedly find yourself with no time (or no energy - which is also an excuse) to do the things you really want to be doing, stop RIGHT now, look yourself in the mirror, and ask yourself this:

Who (or what) am I giving my precious time (and energy) away to?

The most important word in that sentence being I (i.e. You).

You are the one who is choosing. You are the one who is deciding how to spend your time every day. You are the one who will choose how to spend it tomorrow.

Stop giving your agency and your power away.

Stop buying your own stories and justifications for why you have to and why you must and why you should.

Admit to yourself that you are the one who is choosing, and ask yourself honestly: Is this how I want to be spending my time? If not, am I willing to make a different choice?

If you find yourself willing to choose something different, start small. Choose one thing that you would love to make time for every day, and then, again, ask yourself honestly: What will it take to create the time for this, today?

It may be you need to say no to something or someone else. It may be you need to get some of your other procrastinating habits in check. It may be you need to cut out an indulgence or an escapist behaviour (watching TV, scrolling social media, etc.) It may be you need to share with someone else and ask them to keep you accountable.

Whatever it is that needs to be done to create space for the thing you really want to do, do it. Do it just this once. Today. Now.

Seriously, do it right now. Create the time for yourself to do the thing you have been avoiding today.

I challenge you to just do it.

Do it. Let yourself enjoy it. See how it feels at the end of the day knowing you are in integrity with you.

Let the power of your inner alignment fuel you to create time for what matters to you again tomorrow.

This is how you take back your time.

You use discernment. You choose your own deepest truth first. Moment by moment. Choice by choice.

And it all starts by admitting to yourself that you have the power to take back your time, right now, and any time you choose to.

Happy choosing!



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